Wednesday, 1 June 2011

A Short Update For WIP Wednesday

 Wow.. doesn't the weeks fly by, 1st June already - can you believe it??

I thought I'd give you a short synopsis of where I am currently with my WIP's -I currently have four on the go (well two actually, number three (the scarf) is hibernating - it's the small needles can't face them...... and number four (the square for the quilted throw) is well....hanging around, waiting for me to get bored with the other projects and come back to it!!!.

So what have I been working on??  If you follow me, you'll know about the Shrug - well that's nearly finished, as you can see here:

Well actually its progressed a little bit more than this picture (and yes I did weave in those ends!!)  I've picked up the stitches and now working on the border and then it's done - bar the washing and blocking!!!  I'm getting a little bit excited about blocking this, as I have just been educated on why you need to block - so I have ordered my T-Pins and am raring to go!!

I've also started knitting a poncho for Miss H (daughter in case you're wondering!!).  No pics yet, I will upload and show for next week (ahh the suspense...!!!!)

 I've just bought some mohair in red and am itching (not literally), to cast on for a this space!

Until can check out other WIP's with Tami's Amis.  


  1. Looks like you did a great job on that shrug. Have fun blocking!

  2. I really like the stitch pattern on your shawl. Very pretty! :)

    I've been meaning to cast on a shawl; what pattern are you using?

  3. This shrug is sooo pretty!! Well done and looking forward to finished object!

  4. Where have you ordered your T-pins from?

  5. T-pins ordered from Amazon £2.95 (incl. P&P) for 50.

  6. Belovedknits I'm using the Lace Rib Knit Shrug by Dawn Leeseman. If you're on Ravelry you can find it
